Create Candidate


The Create Candidate action allows you to create a new candidate or update an existing one based on the provided email. You can also apply the candidate to a specific job within

Use the Create Candidate action

How It Works

  • Input Data: Provide candidate details such as name, email, resume, and the job they are applying for.
  • Action Execution: creates a new candidate or updates an existing one based on the provided email.
  • Job Application: Optionally, the candidate is applied to a specified job.

Use Cases

  • Automate Candidate Entry
    When a candidate fills out a form on your website, automatically create or update their in

  • CV Parsing
    Parse incoming CVs to extract candidate information with AI and add them to without manual entry.

  • Third-Party Integrations
    Connect with other job boards, CRM, and ATS systems to keep your candidate database up-to-date.

Create Job


The Create Job action enables you to create a new job posting in programmatically and publish it to your Job Board.

Use the Create Job action

How It Works

  • Input Data: Provide job details like title, description, department, location, and employment type.
  • Action Execution: creates a new job posting with the provided information.

Use Cases

  • Unified Job Management
    When a job is added to your internal system, automatically create the same job in

  • Bulk Job Creation
    Use data from spreadsheets or databases to create multiple job postings quickly.

  • Event-Driven Hiring
    Trigger job creation based on specific events, such as new project launches or departmental expansions.

  • Job Board Integration
    Publish new job openings to your Job Board automatically.

Update Candidate


The Update Candidate action lets you modify details for an existing candidate in It’s ideal for keeping information current and accurate, such as when a candidate updates their contact information or submits a new resume.

Use the Update Candidate action

How It Works

  • Input Data: Provide the candidate’s id (required) and the fields you wish to update (e.g., name, phone, title, etc.).
  • Action Execution: locates the candidate based on the provided id, and updates the fields with the new information.

Use Cases

  • Profile Maintenance
    Keep candidate profiles up-to-date automatically when they submit changes via other systems.

  • Resume Updates
    Refresh candidate information with newly submitted resumes or additional qualifications.

Add Candidate Note


The Add Candidate Note action allows you to append a note to an existing candidate notes in Use this action to track interview feedback, add relevant insights, or document any candidate-specific information for better follow-up.

Note: This is different from the Update Candidate action since it appends to candidate notes instead of replacing them.

Use the Add Candidate Note action

How It Works

  • Input Data: Provide the candidate’s id along with the note content.
  • Action Execution: verifies if a candidate with the specified id exists, and appends the note to the candidate’s notes (or creates the notes if they don’t exist).

Use Cases

  • Background Checks
    Track progress or results of background checks by adding relevant notes.

  • Follow-up Details
    Document follow-up actions, including scheduling reminders or next steps, in a structured manner.